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Curtin Clan

Board of Directors  

Katherine Walsh


County Cork


Clan Chief


Katherine is a native of Newmarket in County Cork and the eldest of eight children of Ben Walsh and Elsie Curtin.

She has been involved in researching her family tree for
almost three decades and has Curtin connections on both sides of her family that originate in the nearby areas of Meelin, Brosna and Rockchapel. Katherine is married to
Charles O’Connor and they have two sons, Cathal and Turlough.

Having worked for Irish Water, the national utility for water services in Ireland, Katherine retired in November 2022 from her role as Head of Environmental Regulation
having joined Irish Water at its establishment in October 2013. Prior to that, she worked as a Director of Services in Cork County Council. She has also worked with Local Authorities in Kerry, Limerick and Waterford and in the private sector.

Katherine graduated as a Civil Engineer from University College Cork in 1984 and holds an MBA from Dublin City University.


In her spare time, she likes to play some of her favourite tunes on the fiddle and also enjoys reading up on history.


Nicholas Curtin




Vice Clan Chief

Nick's grandparents emigrated to the U.S. from a dairy farm in Templeglantine, County Limerick, in 1921 and he has always had an interest in collecting the family history. Through the Curtin Clan he found out that his grandmother's maternal grandfather was also a Curtin from Rockchapel, County Cork, thus he has 2 branches of Curtin in his family tree, though he reassures us the branches are far apart!

Nick has a successful career in sales and marketing, and currently works assisting corporations who are relocating their employees from abroad to work in the U.S.  He has been a member of the Curtin Clan since its early start and has attended 3 gatherings, including the first gathering in Burlington, MA.  Nick lives with his wife Peggy, their 3 sons and a dog in southern California.

Dan Curtin
Kinderhook &


  New York USA


Dan splits his time between his home in the Adirondack Mountains and Kinderhook, New York near Albany USA with his wife Anne. He retired from New York State Government in 2002. In addition to genealogy, he enjoys running, hiking and snowshoeing. He has 2 sons and 3 granddaughters.

Dan's great-grandparents settled in Lafayette, New York, near Syracuse, New York. Thomas Curtin was from Brosna, County Kerry, and about 1855 he married Johanna Curtin the daughter of James Curtin and Johanna Casey of Newmarket, County Cork.  Thomas and Johannah brought their 8 children to Lafayette, New York in 1880.

Dan currently coordinates the Clan's DNA Project and is the webmaster.


Sarah Curtin

Clearwater Beach

Florida USA



Sarah is married to Robert Charles Curtin.  She is a retired English teacher who loves to read.  She also plays the piano and sings.

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Joan Bentley Curtin

North Carolina


Joan discovered the Curtin Clan in 2007 at the beginning of her genealogical research of her husband Neal’s family.  Participating in the Clan’s DNA Project, Neal learned that his ancestors are from “Curtin Corner”.  Neals' Great-great grandparents are John D. Curtin and Jula nee Curtin. Neal's great grandfather Cornelius emigrated to Niagara County, New York in 1850, before settling in Sterling, Illinois in 1862.  

Joan was the Curtin Clan Newsletter editor from 2011 to 2022.


Marion Quinlan Curtin
County Tipperary


Marian Quinlan Curtin is from County Tipperary, Ireland. She married David Curtin in 1976. They have a son and two daughters and are blessed with four grandchildren.

She writes wonderful songs and poetry. She teaches people that want to learn, fund raises for local causes, and loves history, sports and nature. She has been involved in the Curtin Clan since Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare Gathering, She enjoys meeting Curtins from all over the world.


Margaret Curtain




Clan Genealogist

Margaret lives in Queensland, Australia, with husband David, on a small beef cattle property, 10 miles from Gympie.  Margaret has been researching Curtin lines worldwide since 1978, when she began the paternal line for her children. Margaret has researched all surnames within her children's ancestry back as far as possible. She travels to Ireland at every opportunity (usually 2 yearly when Clan Gatherings are on), to collect and find more early data on Curtin families. She has also collected a wealth of information from buying up thousands of documents for Curtin families worldwide. She is a founding member of the Clan, and became the official Clan Genealogist at the first Gathering in 1999. Margaret has self published over 16 Curtin related books and is working on a 19th book at the moment. Her books are listed here.

Margaret was presented the insignia appointing her as a Companion of the Order of Clans of Ireland (CIOM) by the Irish vice counsel at the Chicago Gathering in June 2011.


Patrick J. Curtin



Newsletter Editor


Patrick is the grandson of John D. Curtin, born May 21, 1873 in Rockhill West, near Rockchapel in County Cork. He lives in the Chicago area with his spouse, Armand Iaia.  He joined the Curtin Clan in 2011 and is curious about the challenges and joys his relatives faced in Ireland. Patrick co-facilitates an Improv group, participates in Chicago’s storytelling community and volunteers for Hospice. He is an ordained minister that serves as a celebrant for weddings, memorials and other important events marking life passages. 

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Willie Joe Curtin

County Limerick


Willie Joe is married to Eileen they have three daughters. He lives in Ballycommane Tournafulla, County Limerick. He farms the same lands that have been in the family since the late 1700's. Willie Joe loves cycling and gets a buzz from taking part in sportives.

Jo-Anne Wylie
New York

Jo-Anne currently lives in the Buffalo, New York area.  In 2004, thanks  to the Curtin Clan she was able she was able to locate her grandmother’s roots in Knockafurtigh, (Rockchapel) in order to  obtain Irish citizenship.  Killarney was the ninth gathering she attended and is happy to be  part of the Curtin Clan Board Of Director’s to assist in the business of the Clan.   Having been  employed as a flight attendant for thirty-eight years enabled her to travel to Ireland often and assist with banking and other needs of the Clan.  In retirement she enjoys volunteering with the Buffalo Philharmonic and other various organizations within the Buffalo-Niagara area.




The Curtin Clan, Inc. (hereafter the Clan) is incorporated under the laws of the State of New York for cultural purposes, to discuss the genealogy and culture of individuals with the surname Curtin and descendents of the MacCurtin and Curtin families of Ireland as defined in the Certificate of Incorporation.


The principal offices of the Corporation shall be in the County of Columbia, State of New York.  The Corporation may also have offices at such other places within the State of New York as the Board may from time to time determine or the business of the Corporation may require.


Membership shall be open to the following without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, or presence of a handicap:

a.       Any individual with the surname of Curtin or any variation.

b.       Any individual married to or descended, in any form, from a Curtin.

c.       Any individual using DNA results who is identified as a descendent of a Curtin.

Membership shall be ratified upon payment to the Clan of annual dues.

Honorary members may be appointed from time to time by action of the Board of Directors.


Board of Directors

Subject to any provisions in the Certificate of Incorporation the business of the Corporation shall be managed by its Board of Directors, each of whom shall be at least 18 years of age and a member of the Clan.  The Board of Directors shall consist of six to eight elected directors, the Newsletter Editor and the immediate past Chief of the Clan.


In the event that the position of immediate past Chief of the Clan is vacant, an additional director can be elected to fill the vacancy. (added at September 25, 2022 Gathering)

The elected directors shall be elected by the Association membership at the periodic Clan gathering held every other year.  A simple majority of the votes cast shall be required for election.

The Board of Directors shall appoint a Newsletter Editor.  The editor must be a member of the Clan and be willing to accept the designated responsibilities.

Election and Term of Directors

Nominations for the elected directors shall be made by a nominating committee appointed by the Chief.

The term of office shall be from election at the periodic Clan gathering until the next subsequent Clan gathering, generally every two years.

The Chief and Vice Chief shall not serve in the same office for more than three consecutive terms.

Each director shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which elected and until a successor has been elected and qualified, or until resignation or removal.


A vacancy occurring on the Board for any reason may be filled by a majority of the remaining directors then in office, although less than a quorum may exist.  A director elected to fill a vacancy of an elected director shall serve for the unexpired term of that director.

Removal of Director

Any individual director may be removed with or without cause by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Clan.  When a resolution to remove a director for cause is made, the director must be given notice and an opportunity to be heard before the final vote is taken.


A director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board, the Clan Chief, or the Secretary of the Corporation.  Unless otherwise specified in the notice, the resignation shall take effect upon receipt thereof by the Board or such officer, and the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

Temporary Conflicts of Interests

From time to time conflicts of interest may arise due to personal or financial relationships or other types of temporary conflicts of interest.  The director shall be required to announce the conflict and abstain from voting on any motion where the conflict would be in place. Failure to abide by this rule could be grounds for removal of a director.


All directors shall serve the Corporation without compensation.  Reasonable business related expenses which have prior approval of the Board may be reimbursed.

Quorum of Directors

Unless otherwise provided in the Certificate of Incorporation, a majority of the entire Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business or of any specified item of business.

Action of the Board

Unless otherwise required by law, the vote of a majority of the directors present at the time of the vote, if a quorum is present at such time shall be an act of the Board.  Each director present shall have one vote.

Place and Time of Board Meeting

The Board may hold its meeting at the offices of the Corporation in New York, at the periodic Gathering, or at such other places, as it may from time to time determine.

Board meetings may be held via telecommunications or over the internet.

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Board shall be held at every Gathering of the Clan.

Notice of Meeting of the Board, Adjournment

Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board may be held without notice at such time and place as it shall from time to time determine.  Special meetings of the Board shall be held upon notice to the directors and may be called by the Chief upon seven day notice to each director either personally, by email, or by mail, or called by the Secretary in like manner on written request of two directors.  Notice of a meeting need not be given to any director who submits a Waiver of Notice whether before or after the meeting or who attend the meeting without protesting prior thereto or at its commencement, the lack of notice to him.  At special meetings only the business specified in the notice may be transacted.

A majority of the directors present, whether or not a quorum is present, may adjourn any meeting to another time and place.  Notice of Adjournment shall be given to all directors.


At all meetings of the Board, the Chief, Vice Chief, or in their absence, a Chairperson chosen by the Board shall preside.

Other Committees

The Board by Resolution adopted by a majority of the entire Board, may designate from among its members other committees, each consisting of three or more directors, each committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.

Clan Genealogist

The Clan genealogist is a permanent officer of the Clan. The Clan genealogist shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and is an ex officio non voting member of the Board of Directors. The Clan genealogist appointed at the founding of the Clan may remain in office at her pleasure.

Advisory Members

The Board may appoint advisory members who may not vote but may attend meetings and provide advice as requested by the Board.

Absenteeism from Meetings

Any director who is absent from three consecutive meetings may be removed from the Board. The director shall be notified by mail that he or she has been terminated from the Board.


Offices, Election, Term

Unless otherwise provided for in the Certificate of Incorporation, the Board may elect or appoint a Clan Chief, a Vice Clan Chief, a Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers as it may determine who shall have the duties, powers and functions as hereinafter provided.

All officers shall be elected or appointed by the Board at the periodic Clan Gathering and hold office until the next Gathering or until their resignation or removal by the Board.

All officers shall hold office from one Clan Gathering to the subsequent Clan Gathering or until their successor has been appointed and qualified.

All officers shall be members of the Board.

The Clan Chief and Vice Clan Chief shall not serve in the same office for more than three consecutive terms.

No more than one officer position shall be held by one person at any time.

Removal, Resignation, Compensation, etc.

Any officers appointed by the Board may be removed by the Board with or without cause.

In the event of death, resignation or removal of an officer, the Board at its discretion may elect or appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term.

All officers shall serve the Corporation without compensation. Reasonable business related expenses which have prior approval of the Board may be reimbursed.

Clan Chief

The Chief shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation; the Chief shall preside at all meetings of the Corporation and of the Board.  The Chief shall have the responsibility for directing the management of the business of the Corporation and see that all the orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect. The Chief may sign corporate checks.

Vice Clan Chief

During the absence or disability of the Clan Chief, the Vice Clan Chief shall have the powers and functions of the Chief.  The Vice Clan Chief shall perform such other duties as the Board shall prescribe.


The Secretary shall:

Attend all meetings of the Board and the Corporation.

Record meeting attendance, all votes and minutes of all proceedings.

Give or cause to be given notice of all meetings of the Corporation and special meetings of the Board.

Keep in safe custody the Seal of the Corporation.

Use of the Corporate Seal is to be specifically authorized by the Board before each use.

When required, prepare or cause to be prepared and available at each meeting of the Corporation, a certified list in alphabetical order of the names of persons eligible to vote thereat.

Keep all documents and records of the Corporation as required by law and otherwise in a proper and safe manner.

Perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Board.


The Treasurer shall:

Have the responsibility for the Corporate Funds an

d Securities.

Keep or cause to be kept, a full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements.


Deposit or cause to be deposited, all money and other valuables in the name of the Corporation in such depositories as may be designated by the Board.

Disburse or cause to be disbursed, the funds of the Corporation as may be ordered or authorized by the Board insuring preservation of proper documentation for such disbursements.

Sign corporate checks.

Render or cause to be rendered to the Board at their request an account of all transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Corporation.

Render a report to the Board of Directors periodically.

Furnish to all Corporate Officers and agents, upon their request, with such reports and statements as may be required to fully disclose all financial transactions of the Corporation.

Perform such other duties as are given by these By-Laws or as assigned by the Board or the Chief.


Sureties and Bonds

In case the Board shall require, any officer or agent of the Corporation shall execute to the Corporation a bond in such sum and with such surety or sureties as the Board may direct, conditioned upon the faithful performance of duties to the Corporation and including responsibility for negligence and for all property, funds or securities of the Corporation which may come into his or her hands.


The seal of the Corporation shall be circular in form and bear the name of the Corporation, the year of its organization and the words “Corporate Seal, New  York”.  The seal may be used by causing it to be impressed directly on the instrument or writing to be sealed, or upon adhesive substance affixed thereto.  The seal of the Certificate for shares or on any Corporate obligation for the payment of money may be facsimile, engraved or printed.


All Corporate instruments shall be signed or countersigned, executed, verified or acknowledged by an officer or officers or other person or persons as the Board may from time to time designate.


The fiscal year shall begin the first day of January in each year.


Reference to the Certificate of Incorporation by these By-Laws shall include all amendments thereto or changes thereof unless specifically excepted.


Amendment, Repeal, Adoption

Except as otherwise provided in the Certificate of Incorporation, these By-Laws may be amended, repealed or adopted by the Board.


The Board of Directors may adopt policies and procedures for the operation of the Corporation which do not conflict with these By-Laws, the Certificate of Incorporation or the Laws of the state of New York and the United States of America.

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